May 29th Update

If you are still experiencing any of the following issues, please use the form below for quick resolution:
- missing or incorrect cover thumbnails
- missing projects...
- unable to download files
- unable to Add to Cart
- previously approved projects incorrectly requiring proof purchase
Form link:

- Live Chat is open and will be available for support questions between 9am and 4pm EST Monday to Friday, and we plan to make phone support available again soon. Remember that we are still unable to respond to support requests on social media, including private messages.
- Please create only one support case for ALL issues you may be experiencing. Do not create a single case for each issue or create multiple cases for a single issue. If you need additional help from our support team, please do not open an additional case; instead, reply to the most recent email you received from support.

- PayPal payments will be paid on schedule, by May 31st. Please note that if you receive payments via Paypal, you may see two payments—this is due to the finalization of the merge between our old and new platform. Going forward, you will only receive one PayPal payment for all revenue earned.
- Historical revenue and sales data is still populating user accounts; we expect this revenue data to be fully restored by the end of next week.

Our developers are working to add this functionality to user accounts; we will update you with more information as soon as we can.

We have to take a few extra steps to get calendar creation up and running. We have not removed or deleted any calendars - they’re all in our database and will be visible once the new calendar creation tool is available.

Please note that we have resolved all system-wide issues related to our site launch; any remaining issues are on a case-by-case basis. If you are still experiencing any problems, please report that issue through our email case submission form at this link: .

We are committed to resolving these issues as quickly as possible. We appreciate your continued patience and support while we work through these remaining issues.

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  • FuriousFotog Ughhhhhhhh. Came back to see if things had improved. NOPE. When are projects created in lulu studio going to be migrated? Why did you even launch without the capability? I have customers asking where to order and I’m forced to tell them your site deleted them.
  • Eliot M. Camarena I have just begun to publicize my newest book - it's done, text and cover art, and all set to send to Lulu for printing... WHEN I am confident that things are fixed.
    Don't let me down, Lulu.
    I have been with you well over a decade and my books move. I
    don't get rich, but I do all right with book sales.
    I have faith in you, Lulu. Prove that I am right!
    Get it together so we can all get back to doing what we love: creating and EARNING!
  • Eric Eaklor I echo the sentiments I see regarding spotlight pages. If this "updated" site is going to make ANYONE happy, being able to customize the spotlight page is a MUST. I'm still waiting (pointlessly, I'm sure) to see if there will EVER be some kind of broad statement that might explain WHY they felt the need to retool a perfectly good site. I used to reccomend Lulu all the time, and my print books have been there for many years. Who in the bureaucratic hierarchy made this decision, and why? It is driving away users, and customers for those users as well. If you cannot try to accommodate the users that KEEP THE SITE VIABLE, what's the point? How about a smidgen of respect and give us something beyond little tiny "we fixed X" updates. Something more comprehensive and perhaps even useful. I hate the idea of pulling all my books from your site, but I feel extremely unheard and unappreciated (as do many, many others based on the multitude of harsh comments).
    • Andrew Flindall Lulu certainly dropped a bollock on the communication side as the upgrade caught many of us by surprise. However, if the site's been essentially the same for a decade, it's less surprising that it needs updating. Flash deprecation is probably the least of it.

      Reading between the lines, Lulu appear to be re-focussing on being a printer and distributor, and reining-in things like marketing that could be done with FB and a few links. I reckon a fair chunk of the data they find themselves responsible for is old, undeleted files or unofficial cloud storage, rather than anything to do with current, live 'projects'.
    • Eliot M. Camarena Best option: Allow people to use of the old site if they want to and save corporate face by rebranding the site LULU CLASSIC.
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  • Mariko Gray So silly to launch an incomplete site like this lol, the basic ability to delete things should've been worked on before the migration. No mention of editing spotlights yet tho? At least I can see things in my own currency now, but I think I'll still refrain from logging in again until it hopefully becomes a proper, functional, complete website, cross fingers. Holding out hope I won't have to jump ship, I prefer Lulu's overall model, but this mess has been really trust-wrecking. In the meantime, I guess I'll just try to enjoy the drama... XD
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    • Andrew Flindall That's the crux - it seems nobody has found anywhere that offers the same package as Lulu.

      I briefly looked into the other system their UK partner uses and, while they'll produce US letter format for Lulu, they don't offer it themselves. It's a minor
      gripe, but others soon start to add up. Lulu offers most-of-the-developed-world distribution of non-ISBN titles in PB and HB, which is all I think I need for now.

      Once the updates are sorted, most of this flustercuck will fade into history for most users. Lulu has just got to rebuild the confidence that someone ordering a book is going to get it (subject, of course, to other factors in play at the moment).
    • Gurki Bär What annoys me more than the update disaster: With every update a few trim sizes less, a currency less, a language less, a feature less. Other companies do it the other way around...
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  • Federico Federici I already submitted support requests last week, using your suggested forms, but I have go no answer, nor have my problems been fixed. So, what for to endlessly submit things? I have moved almost everything to KDP. Cheaper and easier, though there's no Ingram distribution available.
  • Richard Simms I have been waiting almost a month now for a response to support tickets I have raised with Lulu. No human response to any of them. I have been locked out of the Projects Overview page of my Lulu account for two weeks. No response from Lulu, despite raising tickets with them. So it's still a mess. Every time I try to access my projects I get an "Internal Server Error" message!
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    • Gurki Bär Same at me. No human response to any of my tickets. I reopened it and two weeks later they sent my a survey, how they resolved it!!! (Not of all, sorry, usually I give 4 or 5 stars, but this time, two surveys after weeks of no answer or closing with no work done?) Richard, tell this story at the forum to share it with others, because here your comment will be deleted in a few days.
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  • Hector Heathwood I wonder whether anyone might care to reply to any of my messages. My store still says I have no publications, and trying to sign-in informs me my account is disabled.
    I've tried resetting my password many times but haven't had any response from you. I've also made a report, and tried several different ways to contact Lulu, still getting no attention from you.
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  • Michael Hyde I've published five books on Lulu over the past ten years. It used to be the best site to self-publish books, The April "Upgrade" has made the site virtually non-functional, and there is a complete absence of customer support. I am disappointed, disgusted and completely fed-up with Lulu. Have moved all my books to Kindle Direct Publishing.
  • Barb Blanks PS Amazon's PDF book creator is working great!
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  • Perry Pankratz Tell me when you add the delete buttons, this will make my life easier. Since I've migrated to new sites, there's a waiting period to approve new projects, as they have to validate these are mine.
    My account is still trash with only minimal workabilit
    y, I still can't add new pdf files etc... I spent over $3000 last year, this year would have doubled, but this money will/is being spent at new locations with actual sites that work.
  • Kat CM Maybe it’s time to report them to the FTC! Since they have blocked everyone’s comments everywhere and/or deleting them
    • Andrew Flindall They've deleted out of date updates that we happened to have commented on. Given that many of those comments were made in ignorance of updates' contents and FAQs etc., I do have some sympathy with Lulu clearing the decks of redundant information. They have consistently said that comments aren't the mechanism to raise and resolve issues yet there are still those who keep shouting into the void.
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  • الكاتبة سمر فوزى Selling your book in the Lulu library is having trouble logging in, in addition to the new belts, Lulu has problems
  • Penni Weston Finally got my books after them travelling from here to poke and plum. They did great and survived!!!
  • Darren Bane I used the form on Tuesday and have had no response yet. Not quite sure what your definition of 'quick resolution' is, but it's clearly not the same as mine, unfortunately.
  • Leah Lesesne Ballpark time frame on calendars? Can ones that already exist be purchased while the new creator is in progress?
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    • Gurki Bär In April, when Lulu started this just-over-the-weekend-update, we were told:
      "We have to take a few extra steps to get calendar creation up and running the way we want it to work. At the moment, you won’t be able to create a new calendar and all existing calendars are unavailable on our bookstore.
      Don’t worry though! This is a very temporary measure while we get our new and improved calendar creation process fine-tuned. Look for these new options very soon! "

      That means, once the update/migration has finished, if Lulu then still exists, they want to bring the calenders back "very soon".

      As the two-day-update now takes about two month, it's not clear, if very soon is in July 2020 or July 2037.
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      Get To Know The New Lulu
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  • Pablo Amirá After all this fiasco, at least offer free shipping or something good to feel retribution
  • Sarah L Jones Yes....calendar update please! All mine are gone as well. Also, will there be a spotlight page again?
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    • Gurki Bär In April, when Lulu started this just-over-the-weekend-update, we were told:
      "We have to take a few extra steps to get calendar creation up and running the way we want it to work. At the moment, you won’t be able to create a new calendar and all existing calendars are unavailable on our bookstore.
      Don’t worry though! This is a very temporary measure while we get our new and improved calendar creation process fine-tuned. Look for these new options very soon! "

      That means, once the update/migration has finished, if Lulu then still exists, they want to bring the calenders back "very soon".

      As the two-day-update now takes about two month, it's not clear, if very soon is in July 2020 or July 2037.
      Get To Know The New Lulu
      Get To Know The New Lulu
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  • Kenneth J Kerr How can we get across to Lulu the true impact of what they have done?

    For many years I have been an author. Now I am an author without a book, because I will not even try to use them until there are no further reports of omissions, errors, etc.

    An author without a book faces existential, economic, and identity angst.

    Lulu has done to their longterm authors exactly what the covid lockdown has done for many businesses. Their changes have shut us down and prevented us from working, or even planning our future.

    And instead of admitting they messed up they try to placate us with nonsense updates that suggest only a few people are having problems.

    No Lulu. It is all of us.

    We liked being able to upload word files and have your system convert to the correct pdf settings without any frustration.

    We liked the ability to control our prices, distribution, status of project, and more.

    We liked the way we could revise a product without the demand of ordering a proof for every punctuation change we made.

    We liked that you acted as a file storage during those times we upgraded to a new computer.

    These have changed, even if you ever get your technical and operational acts together.

    These things drew many of us to you, and kept us loyal to you, as customers, partners, and advocates, in my case for 12 years.

    But now, I am an author without a book. I am disillusioned by you, disappointed in you, distrusting of you, and disgusted at you.

    I am a ship dead in the water. No books to sell because I would not trust you to mail a marketable product to any reader of mine. I am looking at other companies, but feel worn down at the thought of learning new systems, or facing massive upfront costs for each title.

    And I bet I am not alone in the legion of those authors disrupted by your incompetence.

    So, when you feed us puerile attempts at placating us with half truths, please see the true impact of what you have done to the people upon whom your company was built.

    I will copy this message and upload it every time you delete the comments from previous updates!
  • Andrew Flindall Hurrah! UK orders are no longer having 20% VAT added.

    I raised a ticket on this a couple of weeks ago, got the auto-reply, so re-replied as instructed, having checked the issue wasn't covered by the FAQs or updates. That was the last I heard but it's
    clearly been dealt with.

    There is still a spurious total on the initial checkout page but this is no longer carried forward to the subsequent ones.

    Today, I've also uploaded another 40MB interior file, downloaded the cover template, uploaded the 25MB one-piece cover with the only issues being:

    1) The low-res advisory that I know does not apply to any core images.

    2) Still getting the glitch where some pages are missing from the preview.
  • Neal Enrick When will we be able to edit our spotlight page? When?!
  • Barb Blanks Have you noticed how Lulu has deleted 100s of angry posts about their fiasco of a website?
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  • Alana Nana Wood What about the Author spotlights?
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  • Eliot M. Camarena On a positive note - I have gotten results using the new form to report problems (not "issues" but problems): combined with using the chat line.
    When you use the chat, request a transcript at the end for your records.
    I still hav
    e one project missing (chat found out why, but it didn't make sense to me as the project was fine on the old site and listed perfectly there) and I would like to restore the retail price that was arbitrarily lowered on 4 of my books.
    I was told by the Chat Rep that right now, the only way to change the price is a total product revision. If I do that, I want a PROOF copy to make sure the new system worked. But pay for it? Really?
    I have repeatedly pointed out that I don't think it right to make a creator PAY for a proof copy when we only made the revision in the first place to correct Lulu's mistake.
    That amounts to Lulu profiting off their own mistakes.
    If we need to revise a book because of Lulu's mistake it is only equitable and fair that Lulu pick up the cost. It's just a few dollars but it will bring a great deal of customer good will.
    I use the FEEDBACK form to suggest things like this, but the people at the Chat Line will give you immediate answers. I did not like some of the answers, and I let the rep know it, but that's the best way to go right now - especially if you, like me, feel ignored. It is only running Mon-Fri. But you will get answers. My chat covered a wide range and took a bit over 45 minutes.
    In 13 years I have had nothing but positive experiences with Lulu - and my projects still sell. I have received a payment in the past few weeks, so that is working for some of us. I am willing to put up with some of these inconveniences till they are straightened out, but I draw the line at paying money to rectify Lulu's mistakes.
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  • Barb Blanks "Quick resolution"??? What a joke. I know two people who still can't sign into their accounts.
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Familiar with Lulu xPress? You might recognize some features on the new site!

Bild könnte enthalten: Text „I have been using Lulu xPress, so I was pleased to see some of the same workflow. lulu“
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Whatever you create, Team Lulu is here for you every step of the way. Get creative with us:

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Over 120 tattoo artists collaborated on this incredible book to raise money for the World Health Organization! Stay Home and fight Covid-19 with these amazing artists:

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Want to know what your book is going to cost before you upload your project? No problem! Our new calculator lets you click through all the different combinations of book sizes, binding types, interior style, and more to help you determine the projected cost of your book.

Three days until we launch our new site!

Bild könnte enthalten: Wolken und Himmel, Text „How Much Will Your Book Cost? 3 lulu“
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  • David Wells we used to be able to choose our book size at the beginning. Now it's toward the end and then YOU choose the fit. We used to be able to download our word documents in seconds- now I had to spend an hour trying to figure out how to change my word into p...Mehr anzeigen
  • Susan Joyner-Stumpf So on the the template. Where do you drop your image? inside the inner most dark blue lines? Or on top of the light blue lines? Never did this one piece before. Never had to. Can anyone help me here? Where do I drop my cover images? Inside the dark blue line or over it, and over the light blue? I don't know. I can't post a sample of the screen shot here

Want a sneak peek at one of the new updates we're most excited about? Meet the new Lulu Services Marketplace:

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  • Philip Baker I wish Lulu would stop using the word 'excited' about the new site ! While so many of us are tearing our hair out with frustration and annoyance, it's just an insult to us. The old site was fine, it really was.
  • Robert Eggleton Please reprint reviews on Amazon to book pages on Lulu. Amazon doesn't own those words and if the owner objects (doubtful) then they can request removal. Your pics of books don't look as good as Amazon -- maybe that will be part of your fix.

When a group of poachers are sent deep into an unexplored island jungle they uncover the ancient secrets that protect the animals that call the island home. Check out the first issue in this new comic book series, Khajar In Cajaria:

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Help your kids stayed inspired and introspective with I Am Inspiration, a 90 day guided journal from bestselling #LuluAuthor Peter Liang:

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Excited to use our new website? Our beta users found the new publishing process to be easier than ever:

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  • John Belchamber I cannot upload my PDF file at the moment, any recommendations on PDF software preferably free. Converting from MS office will not work at the moment, I just keep getting an error message, but not telling me why? On the help files the screen shots for MS Word do not match my version Office 2007. Feeling very frustrated at the moment. Is it something I am not doing right or is it a website problem?
  • Susan Joyner-Stumpf Hey guys my frustration is the cover creation dealy now. I create my own covers. Before all this, I went through the OLD COVER CREATOR where I would drop my covers that I created myself into the rectangle and it was done. Never had to figure out b...Mehr anzeigen

Because our mission is to deliver the best possible product to our users, Lulu will now require files to be uploaded as PDFs. But don't worry - we're here to help you get your files formatted just right!

Learn more in this blog post here:

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Four days until we launch our new site!

We're making it easier to buy and sell books with an expanded set of payment options, including Shop Pay, Apple Pay, and Google Pay!

Bild könnte enthalten: Text „New Payment Options Make Check-Out Easier Than Ever lulu 4“
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Celebrate #WorldBookDay with books that will take you around the world - all without ever leaving your house 🌎Shop travel books from independent authors around the globe and see where their adventures take you:

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This poetry collection from #LuluAuthor Melanie Korach aims to uplift and inspire all those who take these words to heart!

Bring some sunshine to your day with Life Lines:

Bild könnte enthalten: 1 Person, Himmel, Ozean und im Freien
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Celebrating #EarthDay at home this year? This guide to planting, pruning, and tending your garden by season is a perfect tool for any budding gardener!

Get your copy here, and don't forget to save 15% with promo code ONEFIVE at checkout:

Bild könnte enthalten: Blume, Text und Natur

We're so excited for you to see our gorgeous new site! Get started with a brand new project, or pick up where you left off and see how we've made self-publishing even more accessible:

Bild könnte enthalten: Text „This new site is great! It is user- friendly and aesthetically pleasing. lulu“
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  • Ian Wisby I hope you will have more book sizes like 5 x 8 or the Digest size. Would be great to have access to additional sizes. I do like using Lulu, but I've gone with IngramSpark because of the extra book sizes.
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  • Doug McGuinn How do I buy my books; they only have a REVISE button? Also, two of my bestsellers aren't listed on my MY PROJECTS page.
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